Man, I was not ready. I should of been. I only heard about this film because of Chris Stuntmans review on YouTube. He was blown away so I thought I should see it because I want to be blown away too. Man, I had no idea.
I've read nothing about this film. Didn't even see the trailer. I went in totally blind. This is kinda a good thing. I wasn't sure if this was a psychological thriller or straight horror film. Well ladys and gentlemen it's both.
This film is a slow creepy burn. We meet this Gramham family on the day the funeral of Annie's,Toni Collettes character's mother. Annie is miniature artist and it's easy to see she wasn't very happy even before her mom died. The whole family seem to be melancholy to the core. The dad of the family seem to be the one keeping the family together while his wife Annie is working on her art and daughter Charlie wander around and make her own figures. The son played by Alex Wolff.
Early on we get hints of a haunting going on but then nothing happens. A lot of nothing happens in the first act. Just a whole lot of tension and creepy silence. The mood of the film is so dark and haunting but even after a jaw dropping horrific event happens to the two teen kids of this family it fells like nothing is really supernatural is gonna happen. The family start to unravel and frankly that was horrifying enough. I started to think the family was going to turn on each other and that would be the end game. I was so right and so damn wrong at the same time.
I laughed at parts where I'm not sure the film maker wanted people to laugh at but i wasn't alone. I wonder if what the film maker was thinking about when crafting this whole film. I have no desire to rewatch this film, it creeped me the hell out but if there's a commentary by the director I might. I'll just covered my eyes again and just listen. I had no idea where it was truly going from one scene to the next. I have a lot of questions. When I left the movie my friend had to explain a lot of the things I apparently missed. I guess there was a lot of foreshadowing that went right over my head. This movie is on some 6 Senses type of shit. You really have to pay attention to what is being said especially by Annie. But it's was hard for me because I was too scared and creeped out.
Please see this movie. I can't even say I loved it but it was so beautifully made and acted. The climax was sharp and shocking but the ending was let down. However, it was stunning just the same. It wasn't like a paint by numbers horror film Hollywood just keep shitting out. Maybe if we keep supporting original unique films more filmmakers can make original and unique films. But what usually happens thou is a unique film makes a splash and then they make inferior sequels and knockoffs but a girl can dream. B+
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