Saturday, June 12, 2010

A-Team- Amen!

I grew up in the 80's and all I really remember about the A-Team is the theme song and Mr. T.  I guess a big black dude with a mohawk just kinda stands out I guess. So when I heard on the movie being made about it I was all that concerned either way, but to be honest Im pretty indifferent to news of movies in the work, half the time they don't pan out. However this time it panned out.  I'm thinking the addition of  It man of the past year, Bradley Cooper sured plans up. And with this movie he went form comedy star to action star without even throwing a punch.

A-team cast is impressive with  stately Liam Nesson as Hannibal the leader of Iraq War veterans looking to clear their name with the U.S. military, who suspect the four men of committing a crime for which they were framed. Rounding out the cast is Quentin 'Rampage' Jackson as B.A. Barcaus, and District 9's Sharlto Coopley as the looney but effective pilot Murdock. And Cooper is Face, the suave ladies man and Hannibals #2.

The film starts out fast and hard with the team meeting for the first time on the run from corrpurt police in Mexico. The action is pretty constant only slowin down long enough for Bradley Cooper to take off his shirt and to bait and tease Jessica Biel's Carrisa his love intertest who is  out to capture him and his team.

The movie villan, (Watchmen)

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