This is my list of top 10 films of 2018 that I'm most looking forward to seeing and there is no order just like the rest of my life.

Based on
Ready Player One is a 2011 science fiction novel, and the debut novel of American author Ernest Cline, which I never heard of or read. But I saw the trailer and was blown away to see so many movie and video game characters and props in one world, even if its virtual reality world. And the fact that its Stephen Spielberg's first adventure/ action film in forever. Well the BFG was an adventure film and it was okay but this unlike that feels like a good old 70's and 80's Spielberg films like Close Encounter of the Third Kind, Raider of the Lost Ark. I really haven't been this hyped for on of his films in a long while and don't get me wrong I don't thinks he's made bad movie (the only exception being the Curse of the Crystal Skull) but his old films had a magical and awe inspiring. Of course most of those came out when I was a kid and there is some notaslic vaule for me and I don't care. This gives me those 80s feels. In theather March 18.
I've only seen the trailer one time and I was so fucking hyped. I was watching Marshall with my very sweet friend Di whom has a very different tastes and likes. She about the same age as my mom would be if she were alive and I'm the same age as her daughter that lives in another state. So it don't matter to me that we don't like the same things bc I like having a motherly woman in my life. The point is I was so overwhelmed by the trailer. Taraji P. Henson shooting shit up and being a full blown bad ass. When it was over I turn to Di like, "were going to see this!" but before I could say a word she said, "I never thought shed be in a movie like" with her face all messed up like she tasted something gross. Di does not like shot em up movies. I think she's still mad I took he to see Pain and Gain and that was 5 years ago. But this movie has the #1 things I love to see in a film I don't see enough of, a black woman in the lead role. And its a action movie?!?!!? Black women almost never get to do that shit. Actually women of color period. An Asian actress can't even get a lead in a film based on Japanese anime.
Straight up I didn't know a damn thing about Black Panther before I saw Captain America Civil War. I just thought he was African Batman. When sat down I was just hoping Chris Evans would take his shirt off. Well he didn't but Chadwick Boseman came in with more swagger than Billy D., just kicking ass and stole my heart. So now I'm so ready. A big budget superhero movie will a mostly black cast, you know I'm down. I don't normally hurry to see the Marvel films, I'm a DC girl, but ill definitely be there on the first night and will call off work if I can get ticket to a screening.Feb 15
I loved this movie when it was called HEAT and starred Robert Deniro and Al Pacino. This time they're calling it Den of Thieves, starring Gerard Bulter. Even the IMBD description sounds like HEAT. "A gritty crime saga which follows the lives of an elite unit of the LA County Sheriff's Dept. and the state's most successful bank robbery crew as the outlaws plan a seemingly impossible heist...." they could of just saved all that and said "Heat. Were doing Heat again, but with younger sexier dudes!" A film from both the cop and the criminal prospective is not a easy thing to do. And HEAT did it perfectly and is on my top 10 films of all time. So why do I want to see this film so much? It's HEAT with younger sexier guys ya'll! Were you not paying attention! I'm not proud of myself but I refuse to be a shame. Don't get it twisted. I don't usually like rehashing of my beloved movies. I have still not watched Point Break 2.0 bc I knew damn while they didn't out sexy Reeves and Swazye. The both of them together, perfection. But Pablo Schreiber, that boy, that boy is the real deal.
Another movie adapted from a book which I never hear of before but the trailer pulled me in completely and I still don't even know what its about. I watched it like 5 times and I'm clueless. Natalie Portman I running around with a gun looking intense as hell. She aint fucking arourd and I'm shook. This is on some futuristic/sci-fi/war/acid trip type shit. What more can you ask for. Feburary 23rd.

John Wick co-Director David Leitch is taking over and with the success of the 1st Deadpool movie D2 looks to be set to blow more shit up with a overload of crude humor. Seriously all this has to do is be ridiculous as the marketing for the film and it wins. I hope they don't fuck it up by trying to edit out recently accused rapist T.J, Miller. Maybe they can do what they did with Spacey in All The Money in the World and replace him or maybe cg him out of his scenes and make it a joke without ruining the integrity of the film.. That would be awesome, but doubtful. June 1st.

the 1st Incredible came out over 13 years ago. I'm not good with time. I cant remember if I talked to my dad 2 weeks ago or month. The last time I went to the doctor or how long ago I had a minor operation for that thing or what that thing was even called. I have a shit memory is the point. But I remember this came out 13 years ago in the 1st week of November bc my son was born a week before in the last week of October. That baby is now a full blown teen that's a whole inch taller than me. I didn't get to see it in theaters bc I had a new born at home that I didn't want to leave. I did watch with my mom on her bed while my son played on the floor. We both loved it. She loved even more than me. Kari, the babysitter, was so funny to her. I don't think I'd seen my mom laugh so hard before. My mom has been gone for 10 years now and it breaks my heart that she won't be seeing this with me and her grandson. So this one is bittersweet. June 15.

8. OCEAN'S 8
Ocean's 11 but with women and the ringleader is Danny's Oceans sister? Hell yeah and why did it take so long? In heist/ action films we only get one or two women in key roles so this is extra cool to me to have a whole female time. I can't wait for this and the sequel so they can add even more women in to mix. I mean they that to go up to 10 to complete the theme right? The only down side is Matt Damon apparently makes a cameo. I know Clooney is busy with his twins but they could have got anybody else. Well not Casey Affleck but Don Cheadle might have been available between Avengers movies. June 8th.
Mission Impossible movies never late me down. The last one, ROUGE NATION, was my least favorite in the fanchise and the fact that the director of that film is back for 6 does give me pause but the the old cast and new cast of actors that I love, including Superman himself, Henry Cavill and Angela Bassett, it's still a must see. Plus Tom Cruise doing his own stunts I worth the ticket proice alone. July 27th.

Yeah I'm jazzed about INFINTIY WAR and all but Tom Hardy ain't in that, is he? No my boy T Hard is Venom. Ya'll already know I don't know jack about any Marvel character until I see the movie or show and Venom is not different. But its Tom the man Hardy in a comic book movie and that s all I need to know. I mean, I would love a standalone Bane movie but I'll just be happy with this. I think Venom is a bad guy I guess and when I say, "I guess" I mean I don't have a clue. It's Tom fn Hardy.What can I say, I'm a sucker for handsome men with intense acting chops. October 5th.