So, I bought the Blu-ray of Wonder Woman. It was on sale for $10 and I have Man of Steel and Batman vs. Superman so I needed to complete the Trinity. I'm sentimental like that. So today I finally watch it for the first time since I saw it in the theater last June. When I initially reviewed it I was not impressed. It felt like my childhood super hero was wronged by a mediocre and corny adaptation.
I don't know how but after see it now I fucking love it. Almost all of it. The weakest part are the supporting characters like Eddie, the shooter that can't shot. He was a pointless character. I think his only purpose was to so how compassionate Diana is. Actually Steve Trevor's whole team could have been better fleshed out. Felt like they didn't want them to be more interesting than Trevor. I understand some characters are supporting character that let the leads shine but come on, they were the definition of lame.
But I digress, she was amazing, the action was amazing. To have another super hero besides Captain America that not brooding or sarcastic or silly is nice especially a woman. I pretty sure the only thing I truly like during the 1st viewing was Wonder Woman/Gal Gadot. She was perfectly cast and I don't care about her accent. There was a sincerely to her that we just don't see in films anymore unless its a fairy tail. Even thou she's a feminist icon she doesn't have the baggage of the struggle for equality. She's a fish out of water. She don't know about being treated like a second class citizen. She not fighting that sexist battle, she just trying to save the world. So when the old white guys make bad decisions she just say what she thinks no matter how hard Steve tries to stop her. She has a purpose and those fools couldn't stop her.
I could go on and on but you get the point. Maybe I was in a bad mood when first saw it. Maybe my hopes were so high I couldn't not be disappointed not matter what. I didn't hate it before I thought I was okay but not worthy of the praise it received. I guess everybody was right and I was wrong. Who knew? Now its definitely my favorite in the DCEU. Which is not that big of a compliment. 9/10
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